Tourism Transportation Service

En Taxiservice transportamos a nuestros turistas ya que contamos con 10 años de experiencia en nuestro servicio.

Fall in love with the wonders of Colombia 







Places we recommend

 Hiking has been a discipline in many areas of the world for centuries , but in our country , and especially in this territory made up of municipalities that are part of the UNESCO declaration as Coffee Cultural Heritage of Humanity , just a few years ago it began to take place in an organized and conscious way . We must mention the international tour ope rator Colombian Adventure , located in Pereira , is a pioneer in the design of some routes in the Coffee Growing Region that are very attractive for locals and visitors due its topographic and security conditions , accessible to all types of people : kids adults or elderlies 

A bet to art that enchants locals and strangers We all know or have heard about the architectural beauty of the Coffee Cultural Landscape , adorned with its flowery balconies , stunning colors on its doors and windows , in addition to its characteristic and typical roofs . Each municipality works hard to preserve this tradition over time , however , the modern era has made innovations in the way of attracting tourists and viralize spaces in social net works through urban art . Each of the municipalities of Risaralda have been the cradle of talent and have decided to give urban art a boost , giving their citizens and visitors more reasons to walk its streets This is the case of the cultural foundation Revolucionarte , that has been working throughout the region since 2015 with an interdisciplinary group of artists , communicators and managers . The generation of spaces for cultural interrelationship around art , especially in the field of street art muralism and cultural festivals have been their strengths .

  1. Landscape is not only having the possibility of discovering the magic of its charming towns , the traditions and culture of its people , based on the gastross the music that reaches the soul , the fine its handicrafts and unlimited possibilities of adventure in its farm hotels , theme parks and exuberant landscapes .
  2. The dish that still warms the hearts of those who live in the cold central regions of Colombia. A good ajiaco cannot miss the three types of potatoes: pastusa, yellow and sabanera Creole potatoes; onion, corn on the cob, chicken, avocado and capers. The secret touch of cooks and am kitchen is to add Guasca, an aromatic herb that adds a touch of flavor. and it is from the Ajiaco is delicious for its combination of tubers and chicken, however, initially the dish was eaten by the Chibchas who had their diet based on corn and potatoes with chili, it was a dish with a very spicy chili. However, with the arrival of the Spaniards, they added chicken and milk cream that characterizes the ajiaco so much today.

The entrance to the palm forest cost $20,000 pesos and you can do a tour from 1 hour to 5 hours long. Or you can also do a horse tour and that costs $100,000 pesos per person plus you have to pay for the tour guide to go with you. The horse tour is about two hours long.

We always arrive on time.

Me encanta taxiservice ya que siempre llega puntual y sus conductores son muy atentos a cualquier inquietud acerca de mi viaje.

¿Qué estas esperando para vivir la mejor aventura de tu vida?


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